Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Rodneysaur

So... ya'll know I craft, yes? I mean, I talk about it occasionally, right?

I finished something, finally.

A while a go I made a little blue teddy bear with a needle felted face. He got lonely, so I made him a friend. While working on the friend, I realized that I was making a Rodneysaur. You all have read that peice of OMGcute crack!fic, yes? No? GO NOW. It's too cute.

If his friend is a rodneysaur, than that must make Blue Bear a Johnbear. And in the first picture I think he kinda looks like john... minus the hair, of course. But his cheek fur is wild, trust me.

So, here's the only photos I have so far of Rodneysaur and Johnbear. Enjoy. Questions on how they are constructed are welcome.

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At March 29, 2006 at 6:01 AM, Blogger Pam! said...

Those are just way too cute! I might have to look into needle felting if I can make stuff like that. Great job!

At April 2, 2006 at 12:12 PM, Blogger Beatriz said...

OMG...they are adorable! I remember Rodneysaur...he looks so good.

At April 24, 2006 at 12:14 PM, Blogger Nutella Nutterson said...

Too cute! I followed the craftster link as well (after meeting you at the ren faire!)

Great job!


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